Today’s Issue Cluster: China Economy
Media – ‘Hollywood dances to Beijing’s beat’
Iron – Market is sinking under the weight of new supply
Coal – China: Port Seen as Economic Barometer Set for Record Supply
Germany – Aug: Unemployment Rises; +2k to 2.901m / B / AFP
Germany – Aug: Low Inflation Puts Pressure on ECB; 0.8% from 0.8% / WSJ / B *
US – Q2: Economy Expands More Than Previously Forecast; +4.2% was +4.0% / R / WSJ / B / AP *
US – Jul: NAR Pending-Home Sales Rose; +3.3% from -1.3% / WSJ / B / R *
US – Week: Jobless Claims Little Changed; -1k to 298k / AP / WSJ / R / B *
Currencies – Aussie: Defiance of Iron Ore Erodes on Fed Bets B *
China – Little Improvement Seen from Economic Stimulus Measures WSJ / FT / R *
China – ‘Economic recovery momentum tails off’ CD *
China – Credit Growth Declines Sharply WSJ
China – Cracks Down on Money Leaking Out of Its Borders WSJ *
China – Top Graft Buster Probing Thousands WSJ * *
China – Reform Pace Suggests Beijing Thinks It Can Wait WSJ
China – Beijing Faces Pressure to Spur Economic Growth WSJ *
China – Kicks off second round of privatisation FT * * * *
China – European companies slam antitrust probes FT / WSJ / B
China – Western brands strive to click with shoppers FT
China – Local Officials Push for Factories to Move Inland NYT
China – Small cities steer away from GDP as measure of success FT
China – Damps Asia’s Export Rebound wsj *
US – Deficit Forecast Trimmed as Rates Stay Low WSJ *
US – Medicare, Social Security Disability Fund Headed in Different Directions WSJ * *
World – Central bankers face ‘confidence bubble’ FT * *
China – PBOC Resolve Tested as $6t Shadow Banking Industry Sours B
China – Profit Growth Rises at Bank of China, but so Do Bad Loans WSJ / B / WSJ
China – Banks get serious about risk of bad debts swell R / B / NYT / WSJ / FT
China – Beijing Pushes Cleanup of Banks WSJ
China – Sales volume in top 30 cities down 31% YoY / b *
China – Developers offer hefty discounts in strained homes market FT
China – Property bubble is ‘major risk’ FT / N * * *
China – Local governments depend on land sales for half of their budget q *
Media – Hollywood laments summer of plummeting cinema receipts FT / BW *
Media – ‘Hollywood dances to Beijing’s beat’ N / N / N / N * *
Auto Parts – India competition watchdog fines carmakers over spare parts FT / R / B
Autos Parts – China: Fines 10 Japanese makers over price collusion FT / WSJ / R / NYT / B / AP / AFP / R / WSJ
Auto Parts – Giants Hunt for Mergers WSJ *
Iron – Tumbles to two-year low FT *
Iron – Market is sinking under the weight of new supply r *
Coal – China: Falls victim to energy policy FT * * *
Coal – China: Consumption Falls RT / X * *
Coal – China: Port Seen as Economic Barometer Set for Record Supply B
Coal – China: ‘Gas boom in China holds climate change risks’ AP
Coal – India: Court ruling fuels confusion FT / WSJ / FT / R / NYT / WSJ * * *
Coal – Germany: ‘Needed to balance dependency on Russian gas’ R
Coal – US: NC Lawmakers Approve Legislation to Regulate Ash WSJ
Demog – Asia: The clock is ticking N * * * * *
Demog – Asia: Sweet Spots / b *
Historical map of driving standards, beginning with Finland’s change in 1858 motw *